Veiling, Harrassment, Freedom Of Self From Self, Personal Choice etc.

Amina Rashid
2 min readMar 6, 2021


My loves,
If you saw in the eyes of most persons what I see upon catching them eyeing my veiled/ unveiled self, you'd understand I choose to cover up as I do to protect myself.

I can go on waiting for all people of the world to learn to manage their selves and their emotions for the world to become a safe enough place for me to carefreely enjoy in all my beautiful glory, or

I can accept the world and all humans in it as they are today. I can choose to stop caring about whether they learn to manage their selves and their emotions in an unwritten future or not.

I can choose to look out for my own-wellbeing first and foremost. I can choose to make the world a safe enough place for me to enjoy as I please.

I can choose to do all that by simply covering up as I do.

And since I can, I do.

'Cause isn't the latter just simpler?

Like, why would I want to put myself in a position to be harassed by persons who have yet to learn to become better managers of their own selves and emotions (internal states)?

Why would I not make life simpler for myself to I have more time and space left to do what really matters to me?

Why not?

Now, while you ponder the above rhetorical question. I'll wrap this prose up w/ clarifying that by persons, I mean both men AND women BTW.

Girls, your envious and angry gazes (fueled by your own insecurities, of course) are no less disturbing than men's lustful ones.)

Now, before you unwarrantedly start to pick a "Holier than thou" vibe coming off my writing, know that my life experience is unique to me, yes,

but the undercurrent of it is something that spreads across all other humans' experience of life too. Que commonalities in the human condition.

So ya! No point going bonkers and reacting stupidly when you can decide to pause, think and engage in a civil dialogue w/ me. I honestly don't mind.




Amina Rashid

I mainly write on my profile @aminarashid2005 on FB & IG. Topics include Self, Life, Relationships, Mental Illness, Culture, Society, Well-being, Education etc.