
Amina Rashid
4 min readJun 23, 2021


I understand and accept that I may need to use Risperidone as a crutch to complete my University studies w/ out burning out in the coming years.. but since I am also putting myself in the path of suffering from the plenty of side effects that come as a result of taking the pill, it’s only fair that I’m allowed to be co-operated w/ in the ways to be highlighted below;

NOTE: I should’ve taken the advice of that doctor in Sydney who prescribed me 1 ml/ day Of Risperidone when he did. But since I needed to more importantly experience healing from the emotional and physical damage caused to me by needing to unjustly resort to drug-therapy for my mental health as a first resort in 2018, the doctor’s recommendation fell on deaf ears at the time.

(’Cause drug-therapy ain’t no magic. Drugs come w/ their own junk. Be they legalised or illegal. Big pharmacy got it coming big.)

SIDE-NOTE: There are 4 aspects to me as a person. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual and being prescribed and then handed a pill to take against my CLEARLY EXPRESSED DISCONTENT (at the doctor’s office and at home) although helps manage my mental health to the happiness of all these insecure idiots around me, it sure results in a lot of disharmony in all the other parts of me.

WHAT KIND OF DOCTORS PRIORITIZE THE HEALTH OF JUST ONE ASPECT OF A HUMAN BEING OVER ALL OTHERS?! Yes, that’s right… a Psychiatrist who’s come out of medical school brainwashed into thinking that drugs are the FIRST solution to resort to when a young girl not wanting drugs and the chemicals in them to mess w/ her body is brought to them.

First, when I should be the LAST.

I’ll still take the dose I feel is right for my body AT THE TIME I DECIDE FOR MYSELF I ACTUALLY NEED IT (i.e. 1 ml. When I restart my formal studies AND NOT WHEN I AM ON A BREAK AND ABSOLUTELY CHILL [Breaks are the time for me to work on strengthening myself as a person before the next round of life stressors come back to throw me off my feet, but wait. Who’ll understand that?! Surely not the mental health professionals at the hospital I frequent in the oh-so-fancy-and-educated city of Dubai. Surely not them.).

Anyways, I want to make it absolutely clear that were the psychiatrists in Rashid Hospital any smarter or more knowledgeable than they think they are, I’d still request them to propose alternative non-druggy treatment options to help me deal w/ the daily stresses of life… that I currently don’t have any of because I’m neither enrolled in a current semester of Uni nor am I working a job or some. But ya.

If I could reach my doctor at the hospital, I would definitely ask her why she’s insistent on not accepting and recommending it’s okay for me to NOT be on the pill when I don’t feel the need to be. Like, I’d rather be a Uni drop out than dealing w/ the side-effects and negative implications of the pill on my Spiritual, Emotional and Physical self as an individual. WHY AM I BEING ASKED TO PRIORITIZE MY MENTAL HEALTH AT THE EXPENSE OF ALL THE OTHER MORE IMPORTANT PARTS OF ME AS A SOVEREIGN BEING IN MY OWN LIFE STORY? (Refer to Teal Swan’s work on Part’s Work)

That is my real question, I guess.

Like, aren’t doctors supposed to be holistic doctors? Aren’t the supposed to be privy to the fact that the healthy sum of all aspects of a person is always going to be greater than just the healthy one (I.e. mental) aspect of them? And even then, healthy for whom and according to who’s definition? Like, is my Mental health genuinely not suffering as a result of my Spiritual, Emotional and Physical health being compromised?

HEALTHY (Definition from Oxford Languages)

in a good physical or mental condition

Like why do we not have the emotional and spiritual aspects of a person in the dictionary definition of health? Could it have something to do w/ Western medicine and secularism having denied those truly existing parts of a human being? And even if it could, why do doctors in the Muslim world abide by that definition like their lives depend on it? Why do they not know better?!

Why do they not know that they’re not only hurting a girl’s physical health by prescribing her a pill that has physical side effects, (See: https://www.healthline.com/health/risperidone-oral-tablet) But they’re comprising the her Emotional, Spiritual (and consequently, Mental) health as well? Thereby, defeating the purpose of the pill they’re prescribing that they can’t even accept reducing the dosage of.

How pathetic.



Amina Rashid

I mainly write on my profile @aminarashid2005 on FB & IG. Topics include Self, Life, Relationships, Mental Illness, Culture, Society, Well-being, Education etc.